
PG Cert First Contact Practitioner in Primary Care (Paramedic)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PG Cert 1 year Part-time Distance learning

Masters Degree Description

This programme prepares paramedics to work in general practice, specifically in the first contact practitioner (FCP) role; paramedics working in this role will be expected to assess and manage the undifferentiated undiagnosed patient. Modules will cover clinical assessment and management of patients, the role of first contact practitioner and includes a practice placement module. Two of the modules are delivered interprofessionally, with physiotherapy and occupational therapy.

Key features

  • Delivery aligned to the Health Education England (HEE) Roadmap to Practice for First Contact Practitioners (FCP).
  • Programme designed and delivered by clinicians with experience working within primary care.
  • Advanced clinical assessment/management module.
  • Practice placement module enabling demonstration of key competencies.
  • Interprofessional approach to delivery, reflecting the FCP – paramedic role.
  • Distance led delivery, providing a flexible learning experience.
  • Successful completion of the programme leads to recognition as an FCP – Paramedic by HEE.

Entry Requirements

In order to commence this programme, applicants must meet the University’s entry requirements for study at postgraduate level. Applicants will normally have a first degree, BSc (Hons) at 2:2 or above; or European first cycle equivalent plus a professional qualification in health or social care.

Applicants whose first language is not English must also provide evidence of competence in written and spoken English in accordance with the University’s Admissions Code of Practice i.e. IELTS average of 6.5, with a minimum of 5.5 in each category.

In addition to the entry requirements above, there are a number of specific admission criteria for this programme that will ensure applicants access this programme at the right time within their professional practice. These align with national frameworks and will be clearly outlined to the student.

Specific admissions criteria are:

  • Applicants are able to evidence that they have the relevant paramedic experience, normally this is a minimum of 3 years post registration.
  • Applicants are able to provide evidence of registration as healthcare professionals.
  • Applicants must have the support of their workplace to enrol on the First Contact Practitioner in Primary Care (Paramedic) PgCert.
  • To enrol on ADV773 students must have, in addition to the above:

- completed ADV781 Advanced Clinical Practice in Primary Care Module

- completed the relevant e-learning modules (eLfH)
- identified an appropriate CPD mentor for ADV773 The role of the first contact practitioner within primary care module.

  • To enrol on ADV777 First contact practitioner in primary care practice placement module, applicants must have:
    - successfully completed ADV773 The role of the first contact practitioner within primary care module
    - identified an appropriate clinical mentor in primary care.

Applicants to this programme may be sponsored or self-funded. All applications will be to the Professional Development Unit who work closely with the programme team. The final decision on acceptance to study rests with the FCP Paramedic lead for the University of Plymouth. Potential students will be assessed individually for their ability to study at this level and therefore an interview may be necessary.

The final module, ADV777 First contact practitioner in primary care practice placement module maps to stage 2 of the HEE verification process for First Contact practitioner (Paramedic). The placement module involves a number of hours of clinical practice and support of a clinical mentor. The First Contact Practitioners (Paramedic) HEE Roadmap requires students to be employed in a First Contact Practitioner (Paramedic) in a Primary Care setting in order to commence Stage 2, this is to ensure they are able to demonstrate their capability in practice. Workplace support and identification of a suitable clinical mentor will be part of the admissions criteria for enrolment on the First Contact practitioner in Primary Care (Paramedic) PgCert (as outlined above).

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