  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The MA English course provides a stimulating intellectual environment that will enable you to build upon the interests and skills you acquired at undergraduate level.

You will be taught by recognised leaders in their fields who are also dedicated teachers. In the UK’s 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF) to assess research quality, 92% of our research was rated world-leading or internationally excellent.

Entry Requirements

UK Entry Requirements

Academic Pathway:

  • A degree classification of 2:2 or above in the area of Art History, Creative Writing, Comparative Literature, English Literature (or Language), History, Media, Philosophy, Politics, Religious Studies.


  • Any degree subject area with a degree classification of 2:1 or above.
    • You will also be required to provide a 1000-word assessment piece you will be able to choose from the following options.
      • Option 1: Why is the study of literature important? 
      • Option 2: To what extent should we consider literature in terms of the biography of its author.
      • Option 3: To what extent do you agree with the statement ‘Poetry is of graver importance than history'.

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