
PG Cert Educational Issues & Impact

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months

Masters Degree Description

Through integrated approaches to professional learning and a conscious and challenging commitment the course places theory and evidence at the heart of that learning.

The four modules incorporate research, theory and the practical knowledge that emerge in a creatively contextualised way. Students will recognise professional learning progression through the active use of educational theory to inform their understanding of the ways in which learning happens, how it can be organised by teachers and learners, and how research and evidence can inform that learning process.

Entry Requirements

Participants will be teachers employed overseas. Applicants for the programme must be working in an appropriate professional context or have suitable access to an appropriate professional context.


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Student Destinations

The course will provide participants with a rich, developmental experience and contribute positively to their professional expertise, marketability and thus career trajectory. Students can transfer 60 credits from the PGCert to the MSc Educational Studies.

Module Details

Educational Perspectives & Policies
Principles & Policy in Practice
Professional Specialisation
Professional Project

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