
MA Educational Inclusion (language And Literacy)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 2 – 3 years

Masters Degree Description

This course will appeal to teachers, literacy coordinators, inclusion managers and school leaders who would like to develop their skills and knowledge in order to promote and lead on strategies related to educational inclusion. It is aimed at practitioners working in both early years/primary and secondary school settings.

You will select from one of two named pathways:

MA Educational Inclusion (Mental Health and Wellbeing)

MA Educational Inclusion (Language and Literacy) – details are on this page.

Choose the one most appropriate to your continuing professional development.

Our Language and Literacy pathway is designed for educational professionals with an interest in literacy. 

The modules and general content for this course is currently being reviewed to enhance students’ study experience. This means that we may introduce some changes to the course structure, content and delivery.

Entry Requirements

You should have an honours degree (2:2 or above) from a UK university or equivalent and relevant experience in an educational setting.

Minimum of English and Maths at the equivalent of GCSE grade C or above.

Find out more about our processes for recognising previous experience.

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