
MA Education (Early Childhood Studies)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA One year full time or two years part time.

Masters Degree Description

On this MA Education in Early Childhood Studies, you’ll have opportunities to evaluate and critically analyse issues and challenges whilst focusing on political, ethical, cultural and social issues both in early childhood and in education in general. The course draws on theoretical insights into the study of early childhood which challenge and inspire. Children’s right to play and to learn through play are important features throughout the course.

You’ll explore perspectives of play and creativity and the importance of research in early childhood education. You will consider ethical and playful ways to engage with children, their families and communities, as well as theoretical perspectives underpinning engagement in those areas.

Your final dissertation is an opportunity to explore and research a topic of your choice and is a fitting way to complete your Master’s journey at Bath Spa. This MA Education in Early Childhood Studies incorporates modules that will enhance your understanding of early childhood.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for our postgraduate courses vary. We're generally looking for a good honours degree or equivalent.

Some courses also require an interview or the submission of a portfolio of work.

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Programme Funding

Visit our website to find out about the range of scholarships, awards and bursaries on offer beyond government loans.

Student Destinations

Governments worldwide are now making early childhood education a priority and increasing their investment in provision for young children. You’ll acquire specialist expertise in an area of education that is rapidly expanding and opening up new career opportunities.

Module Details

  • Education and Society
  • Research Methods in the Social Sciences
  • Dissertation
  • Early Childhood: Education, Culture and Society
  • Perspectives on Play and Creativity
  • Research and Professional - Part 1 (part-time students only)
  • Research and Professional - Part 2 (part-time students only)

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