
PGCE Education And Training With Teaching English (Literacy) Postgraduate Certificate In Education

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCE Full Time: within 1 year.

Masters Degree Description

This course specifically trains teachers wanting to teach English (literacy) in education and training sector educational settings, such as further education colleges, and adult and community settings.

This course has been developed to embed The Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in Education and Training, and it combines academic study with substantial placement experience and observation of practice. The structure of this course is designed to develop your knowledge and skills to enable you to fully meet the professional standards of the sector. The one year full-time programme comprises five modules across four key strands (professional skills, research, theory and specialist knowledge). These are delivered across the year to allow understanding, skills and practical application to take place over time. The strands of the programme are delivered concurrently to ensure that you make explicit links between all aspects of your learning.

The course begins with a two week intensive block of teaching that quickly provides you with core strategies and a basic understanding of learning and teaching (L&T). This ensures that you are supported to fully engage with your teaching practice placements from the outset. Following the block teaching you attend your placement setting for three days per week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) and attend taught/ teaching related sessions over the remaining two days per week (Thursday and Friday). You also attend one CPD session per week and additional specialist subject teaching days during the course. The exception to this pattern is when you undertake two, four-week block placements during which time you are expected to be in your placement setting for the standard working week and engage with all work related activities expected within the teaching practice setting. You also attend two full day conferences alongside trainees from across the partnership.

Entry Requirements

GCSE (or standard equivalent) in English grade C (4) or above.

First degree (minimum of a 2:2). In exceptional cases prospective students who do not meet this criterion but are able to demonstrate suitable significant experience and/or further study may be considered for the programme.

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Student Destinations

Appropriate careers are in the full teaching role in learning and skills sector educational contexts. You can go on to work in a variety of professions including further education colleges and training organisations. Some students gain employment in secondary schools or higher education. Other students have taken the opportunity to further their studies on relevant continuing professional development or postgraduate study.

Module Details

Core modules

Developing Learning and Teaching

Enhancing Learning and Teaching

Evidence Informed Learning and Teaching

Subject Specialist Knowledge English (Literacy)

Thinking in Learning and Teaching

Modules offered may vary.

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