  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 5 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

If you are looking to study education at master’s level, then this course enables you to learn in a way that fits with your own work priorities and commitments. You can choose from four study pathways to focus your learning where you want to develop.

Whether you are working as a teacher, lecturer, trainer, educational leader, manager or administrator – or aspiring to a career in education – this course will give you a significant insight into the latest trends and leading-edge research, and how those impact on policy and practice.

You will learn how to undertake and use educational research, and to reflect on your own practice, using your knowledge of the latest educational trends and developments, to inform and enhance the way you work.

Entry Requirements

To apply for this course you may have an undergraduate degree in any subject.

You should have:

  • a bachelor’s honours degree or international equivalent, typically a 2:1 or above or
  • a degree that is not a 2:1 or above (or international equivalent) plus at least 2 years of relevant experience in a relevant field or sector, or
  • a teaching qualification (gained after at least the equivalent of 2 satisfactory years of higher education) plus at least 2 years of relevant experience in a relevant field or sector
  • successfully completed the 30 credit Postgraduate Certificate in International Education (PGCiE) at the University of Bath, enabling you to seek a direct transfer to the MA Education

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Student Destinations

This course is ideal if you wish to progress your career within an educational organisation. Many of our graduates have gone on to be leaders and managers in education. Others have used the course to embark on successful careers in teaching, lecturing or administration.

Bath graduates have gone on to work as (or been promoted to):

  • teachers, leaders and administrators in schools around the world (national and international schools)
  • principals/vice principals (national and international schools)
  • academics and administrators in higher education
  • education roles in non-government organisations
  • education roles in local and national government
  • roles in national and international education organisations including learning companies and awarding organisations

This degree can prepare you for further study at doctoral level PhD or Doctor of Education (EdD).

Module Details

Please visit website for details.

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