  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 2/3 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This MA is a professional Masters of Arts degree in Education

The course brings together those who have a common passion for education. If you have a keen interest in your own learning and the learning of others, a curiosity about the teaching process itself and a determination to understand and improve your own working context, then this course will excite and challenge in equal measure.

All of our MA students are work-based in a variety of settings (some international) with most working as teachers or supporting learning in other ways. The work-based aspect of this course provides a unique chance for you to understand and improve education in your own work setting with every piece of work centred around your own area of interest.

Entry Requirements

You will need to have obtained, or be predicted to obtain, normally an undergraduate honours degree with a minimum of lower second class honours (or equivalent).  MA in Education Students need to be working in an educational setting.

All prospective students are required to have an interview with the course leader or a member of the academic team before commencing the course. (This includes a telephone interview if needed). and all are welcome to arrange a campus visit before enrolment.

In addition, all students will need to have an Enhanced Disclosure from the Disclosure Barring Service. A successful Enhanced Disclosure is required before commencing the course.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

Many graduates of this course have found their career progression enhanced as a direct or indirect result of following this course. More significantly, they have been directly in involved in research education and developed these skills professionally in an educational context. Through the building of systematic enquiry skills and incisive critical engagement with educational issues, Graduates of the MA in Education have demonstrated that they have enhanced their practice and made a direct impact on their schools as learning communities.

Having completed the MA it is possible to continue with further study at masters level – perhaps a specialist certificate or diploma (eg in Church School Leadership) or another full MA. It can also open the door to study for a PhD or professional doctorate such as the EdD. Some graduates move on to teaching positions in higher education or to leadership positions within an educational organisation.

Module Details

Our professional MA in Education allows you to choose from a range of modules to suit your professional setting and career pathway. With advice from your personal tutor you can focus the learning outcomes from each module to fit in with your educational context and interests.

Year 1, Semesters 3&4

  • Module MAE703 Public Policy and Professional Practice 
  • Module MAE704 Research Skills 

Year 2/3

  • Module MAE705 Dissertation

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