  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full time 2 years part time

Masters Degree Description

This drama masters reflects the contemporary professional world which calls for flexible, innovative practitioners who are willing and able to work across the full range of theatre and media. These roles might range from mainstream professional organisations to applied and community contexts.

Whether you are an experienced artist wishing to have the time and space to develop your practice, or starting out in your career as a theatre maker, drama practitioner, story-teller or educator, the MA Drama course will help you fulfil your potential.

The course has a high level of practical exploration, under-pinned by critical reflection, with excellent support and supervision. The over-riding ethos is on reflective practice: making work, writing about it, watching work, and exploring different approaches thoughtfully.

Though the emphasis is on theatre, there are opportunities to work through other media for those students with appropriate experience and aspirations.

Entry Requirements

Admission to this programme is by application, interview and demonstration of appropriate practical experience. You will normally be expected to hold a good Honours degree (2:1 or above). This degree does not necessarily need to be in a drama-related subject, but all applicants will be expected to have a documented advanced interest in key aspects of the broad field of drama.

Professional practitioners without a degree may be in a position to apply via the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) route. Such applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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Information on tuition fees is available on our Home and EU/International fees pages.

Student Destinations

USW’s MA Drama course provides an advanced professional development opportunity for those working in or wishing to work in contexts where drama is used. These include individual professional practitioners, teachers and educators, and applied drama specialists in a variety of contexts, as well as those who want to use drama skills in the film and television industries.

Module Details

  • Reflective Practice 1: Theatre and Performance Practices – 40 credits
  • Reflective Practice 2: Themes, Contexts and Applications – 40 credits
  • Professional Practices in Drama – 20 credits
  • Major Production Project in Drama / Dissertation – 60 credits
Plus one of the following modules:
  • Research Methods – 20 credits
  • Research and Practice in the Creative Industries – 20 credits
  • Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship – 20 credits

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