  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc full-time, part-time and distance learning available

Masters Degree Description

Get a grip on the digital marketplace with our Digital Marketing Management MSc. This course will enable you to deal with digital marketing strategies and stay one step ahead in a fast-growing industry.

Climb the career ladder in the field of digital marketing, one of the fastest growing industries of the 21st century. With Staffordshire University, you will deal with modern world issues and the solutions offered up by contemporary digital marketing strategies. Through expert guidance, you will gain both technical and critical evaluation skills, and the ability to apply the most up-to-date digital techniques using new and emerging software.

This postgraduate course will offer you the opportunity to keep up-to-date with the capabilities of modern internet banners, paid ads, SEO techniques and digital analytics, also, you’ll cover the rising importance of social media campaigning within organisations.

Inspired by the thinking of the Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing (IDM) and Charted Institute of Marketing (CIM) we’ve designed a curriculum with a strong professional and practical ethos. Meaning we can focus on your employability and continued professional development.

Entry Requirements

You will usually have achieved a 2:2 in a marketing, digital or business related subject with evidence of successful attainment of marketing modules.  Alternatively you may have professional qualifications and/or experience, please enquire.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

After completing the Digital Marketing Management MSc you will be equipped to take on a variety of marketing management and leadership positions including:

  • Digital Marketing Manager
  • Senior Marketing Executive
  • Campaign Manager
  • SEO Executive
  • PPC Executive
  • Social Media Manager
  • Brand Manager

Module Details

Please visit website for module details

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