
MSc Digital Forensic Investigation

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 13 Months full-time, 25 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

This innovative award focuses upon the use of new technologies to digitally document crime scenes, analyse digital evidence as well as understand concepts of digital law. This emerging area is aligned with the rapidly changing face of forensic investigations around the world.

You’ll gain up-to-date knowledge for a career in this fast-moving area of forensic investigation. By using innovative software you’ll be equipped with the skills needed to collect, document, and interpret digital forensic evidence. In the final term, you’ll undertake an independent research project on a topic of your choice relating to this award.

Using real-world scenarios, you’ll apply theoretical understanding and knowledge to practical exercises in computer laboratories and at our crime scene house.

This award is ideal for professionals or graduates who may not come from a traditional computing science background and wish to obtain a broad range of knowledge and skills required to record crime scenes and analyse digital evidence using new technologies.

Entry Requirements

The entry requirements for the award are normally: An undergraduate degree (2:2) in Forensic Science, Forensic Biology, Forensic Investigation, Policing and Criminal Investigation, Computing, STEM, or a related discipline.

If students do not have the required qualification but have professional experience, we would encourage you to apply as we consider all applications on their individual merit.  Similarly, if you are unsure whether your degree would be appropriate, please contact our enquiries team who will be able to assist you

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

After completing the Digital Forensic Investigation MSc, you’ll be qualified to work in the following roles:

  • Digital forensic analyst
  • Digital investigator
  • Technical manager
  • Intelligence officer

Module Details

Please visit website for module details

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