  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc ft – 1 year, pt -2 years, enhanced – 15 months, extended – 15 months

Masters Degree Description

On our MSc in Digital Audio Engineering, you will explore the varied uses of technology in the delivery and creation of digital audio systems. With access to many useful resources, including both hardware and software, you will be able to develop real-world technical expertise to design, develop and operate a range of innovative solutions.

Digital audio is part of all aspects of modern life. It is used in music and sound production, media and gaming, 3D spatial audio, mobile devices, streaming, online media and the internet of things (IoT), plus many others. There is a growing demand for people who have the necessary technical and creative abilities to enable and progress how digital audio is embedded in these areas.

There is a growing demand for people who have the necessary technical and creative abilities to enable and progress how digital audio is embedded in these areas.

As such, this course is designed for graduates from a range of engineering, music technology and computer science backgrounds.


This degree has been accredited by the Institute of Engineering and Technology under licence from the UK regulator, the Engineering Council.  Accreditation is a mark of assurance that the degree meets the standards set by the Engineering Council in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC).

An accredited degree will provide you with some or all of the underpinning knowledge, understanding and skills for eventual registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng). Some employers recruit preferentially from accredited degrees, and an accredited degree is likely to be recognised by other countries that are signatories to international accords.

Entry Requirements

You should have an honours degree (2:1 or above) from a UK university or equivalent. You must demonstrate a clear interest in digital audio, either from a utilitarian or creative stand point.

We may also offer you a place based on relevant experience or training, normally from within the work environment. All applications are considered individually.

Please visit the course page for full list of entry requirements. 

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