  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    FT 1 year

    Intake date: September

Masters Degree Description

Ravensbourne has an established international reputation for innovation at the intersection of design and business development. Our portfolio of MSc, MBA and MA  programmes encourages an interplay between technology, design, creativity and wider social and economic issues.

The design management programme has been designed in a way that is highly relevant to the leadership and organisational challenges of the creative industries and the technology sectors. The course looks at the creative skills and competences needed to identify and anticipate business change and transform business models so that they are interactive, anticipatory and future focused.

The course invites postgraduate learners to be part of that journey, empowering them to draw on and learn from innovative design thinking and how this can be applied to the creation of new business models and business development.

Entry Requirements

A lower second-class honours (a 2:2, or equivalent non-UK qualifications) or higher in a relevant subject, or an equivalent professional qualification in a related subject.

If you are applying directly from an undergraduate degree course without experience or professional practice, you must be able to demonstrate a good knowledge of your chosen subject area.


See our website for fees

Student Destinations

These are the types of design management jobs you could potentially move into after graduation:

  • Design manager
  • Business start-up entrepreneur
  • Organisational development
  • Brand strategist
  • Market insights research
  • Senior manager
  • Marketing director

Module Details

Key study topics

  • Emergence and discovery of opportunities
  • Organisation and growth of the venture
  • The psychological characteristics of the entrepreneur
  • System, strategies and structure to transform businesses, products and services
  • New cognitive technologies and how to redesign roles/projects to incorporate new technology solutions
  • Creative-skills identifying user needs, idea-generation, conceptualisation and leadership development
  • Market research and brand innovation
  • Work-based learning research project.

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