  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full-time

Masters Degree Description

Almost every communication or interaction that takes place in the world today involves a digital interface, whether this is a computer, a laptop, a mobile phone, a smartcard, a camera or a sensor. These interactions are stored as data which can be mined to make better decisions, systems and research.

Recent advances in computational power, machine intelligence and the massive growth of sources of data has led to the development of a new area study: Data Science.

This course is built around the strong skill base of experts in the Mathematics and Computer Science department and to illustrate how new technologies, cutting edge research and novel scientific perspectives can be used together to influence future society in significant and fundamental ways.

Entry Requirements

Normally a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours Degree in Data Science, Computer Science, Computing, Science, or engineering-based discipline.

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Student Destinations

This new subject is in high demand: there is an a year on year 13% – 23% increase in demand for Data Scientists with 46% of industry currently having difficultly recruiting staff. It is such a new subject that very few potential Data Scientists have the effective blend of requisite skills in programming, statistics and specific subject knowledge.

Module Details

This course aims to equip postgraduate students with core skills in:
Data Analytics
Numerical Methods
Theoretical Computer Science
Applied Computer Science

The students will then undertake a selection of courses such as:
Big Data & Cloud Computing
Artificial Intelligence
Internet of Things
Mobile Computing
High Performance Computing

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