  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 YR (FT) 2 YRS (PT)

Masters Degree Description

Cyber security plays an increasingly important role in our world of ever-evolving technology. This course will help you to deepen your understanding of network security, penetration testing and computer forensics, whilst also adopting a systematic approach to information security management, from the varied perspectives to the technical elements.

  • You will explore several specialist technical disciplines. These will focus on areas such as developing secure software platforms and protecting against complex attack processes used to breach system security. 
  • To enhance your learning experience, the programme integrates professional skills which relate to audit, management and risk. These will address both cyber security and data protection regulations within institutions and organisations.
  • Topics of focus will include cryptography, ethical hacking and penetration testing, information security management, information risk management, software security and implementing secure systems.


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Entry Requirements

The standard entry requirements for these programmes are an honours degree of at least 2:2 classification in a Computer Science related subject area, or equivalent in any science-based degree with a strong computing and/or engineering element. In some cases, applicants with substantial commercial or industrial experience can be accepted, subject to interview and references.

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