
MA Cultural Policy, Relations & Diplomacy

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The MA Cultural Policy, Relations and Diplomacy is a trans-disciplinary programme that addresses the theory and practice of cultural policy, cultural relations, and cultural and public diplomacy.

This broad area of study and the terminology applied to it is fluid and expanding. Having culture as the underlying thread, the programme explores areas such as:

  • arts policy and management
  • globalisation
  • cultural relations
  • public diplomacy
  • cultural and arts diplomacy
  • external communications
  • place branding

Entry Requirements

You should have (or expect to be awarded) an undergraduate degree of at least second class standard in a relevant/related subject.

You might also be considered for some programmes if you aren’t a graduate or your degree is in an unrelated field, but have relevant experience and can show that you have the ability to work at postgraduate level.

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Programme Funding

Goldsmiths offers a range of financial support including postgraduate scholarships, bursaries and fee waivers. These are awarded based on a variety of criteria, for example academic achievements or personal circumstances.

Student Destinations

Graduates of this programme develop a wide range of skills and competencies.

Knowledge and understanding

You’ll be able to:

  • Describe and understand a range of practices, policies, structures and systems in the cultural policy and international cultural relations areas involving a variety of stakeholders (individuals, NGOs, foundations, corporations, governments, international and supranational organisations)
  • Define and understand the use of theories and key concepts in cultural policy, cultural relations and cultural and public diplomacy, such as culture, identity, globalisation, soft power, hegemony, influence, propaganda, mutuality, trust, intercultural dialogue, nation building/branding
  • Discuss the importance of cultural policy in relation to international cultural relations
  • Understand the diverse and changing relationships between culture/arts, politics and international relations
  • Build on your existing experience and/or interest to develop knowledge within cultural policy and international cultural relations

Cognitive and thinking skills

You’ll be able to:

  • Analyse and evaluate the role of the ‘actors’ and their practices, as well as the structures and systems framing cultural policy and international cultural relations
  • Discern how to apply a range of trans-disciplinary concepts and theories to the understanding of policies, practices, structures and systems in the areas of cultural policy, cultural relations and cultural diplomacy
  • Identify and critically analyse contemporary issues
  • Build on your existing experience and/or interest to further develop analytical, critical and conceptual skills within cultural policy and international cultural relations

Practical skills

You’ll be able to:

  • Analyse public policies in the areas of culture and international cultural relations at micro and macro levels
  • Devise, develop, conduct and deliver an independent piece of research relevant to cultural policy and international cultural relations, using a self-reflective approach
  • Demonstrate the origins of your thinking in cultural policy and international cultural relations by adequately referencing sources that have been evaluated for credibility, objectivity, accuracy and trustworthiness
  • Communicate effectively and succinctly through oral presentation and express yourself in writing for academic and other audiences, employing when necessary the appropriate ICT tools and skills

Key transferable skills

You’ll be able to:

  • Share and exchange expertise and skills with other students and the tutors on the course employing effective written and oral communication skills
  • Demonstrate you are an independent and creative learner able to exercise initiative and personal responsibility for your own learning and planning processes
  • Conduct research methodically to find an answer that is complete, accurate and authoritative
  • Work effectively as part of a team

Module Details

This MA is a 180-credit programme consisting of four 30-credit modules and a 60-credit dissertation.

The three main modules of the programme, Cultural Policy and Practice, Cultural Relations and Diplomacy I: Foundations and Cultural Relations and Diplomacy II: Explorations provide a strong basis to explore the complexity of this area of study, which is complemented by a varied module offer from across College that brings to the fore related and intersecting themes.

The fourth module of the programme is an option from a selection of modules covering arts engagement, media, business, languages and politics – this is designed to allow you to tailor the programme to your own particular skills and/or interests.

Compulsory modules

  • Cultural Policy and Practice 30 credits
  • Cultural Relations and Diplomacy I: Foundations 30 credits
  • Cultural Relations and Diplomacy II: Explorations 30 credits
  • ICCE Dissertation 60 Credits

Option modules

  • Contemporary Issues in Cultural Policy 30 credits
  • Cultural and Creative Tourism 30 credits
  • Culture, Tourism and Regeneration 30 credits
  • Entrepreneurial Modelling 30 credits
  • Enterprising Leadership: An Introduction to Leadership, Enterprise, and Innovation Theory 30 credits
  • Interpretation, Education and Communication in the Art Museum 30 credits
  • Museums and Galleries as Creative Entrepreneurs – Communicating Culture 30 credits
  • Tourism in Asia 30 credits

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