  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year Full Time, 2 years Part Time

Masters Degree Description

  • Refine your writing across a range of styles and genres
  • Understand where your work fits in the current publishing world
  • Be inspired and encouraged by guest writers and editors

Creative Writing at Winchester offers you the opportunity to evaluate and improve your creative writing in a dynamic, supportive environment. The programme is taught by professional writers and highly experienced practitioner-academics in Creative Writing, with a particular focus on fiction and literary non-fiction. There are opportunities to meet editors and published writers and, as your knowledge of the publishing industry expands, find out where your work fits within the market.

You study a diverse range of fiction and narrative non-fiction by acclaimed contemporary writers, which allows you to explore different styles and genres including fantasy, crime, historical fiction and literary fiction and gain a critical foundation for your own writing while increasing your knowledge of the publishing world. Throughout the course, you create new work and discuss it in a supportive group of peers alongside your tutor as you redraft and refine. The structure of the programme enables you to experiment from week to week, hone your craft and develop complete short stories as well as engage with the demands of longer-form prose.

Entry Requirements

Normally a first or second-class Honours degree or professional experience in the area of study. Applicants are required to submit a sample of their creative writing. (Continuing students who have achieved a first or upper second-class degree in BA Creative Writing or BA Creative & Professional Writing at the University of Winchester are not required to submit a sample of their creative writing).

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

We have a variety of scholarship and bursaries available to support you financially with the cost of your course – visit website for details.

Student Destinations

Many graduates of the course have obtained publishing contracts, while others work in other aspects of publishing, or in teaching, media, the arts and business.

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