
LLM PG Dip PG Cert Construction Law

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    LLM: 12 months full-time; 24 months part-time PgDip: 9 months full-time; 18 months part-time; PgCert: 8 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

The course is designed for both lawyers and construction professionals. Lawyers will gain a greater understanding of the processes and management of construction projects, as well as in-depth legal expertise relating to such projects.

Construction professionals will learn about the legal framework to the construction industry and engage on the legal processes involved in major construction projects, from commissioning to completion.

Entry Requirements

First- or upper second-class Honours degree, or overseas equivalent, in a related discipline. Where an applicant has a lower second-class Honours degree in a relevant discipline, admission may be possible with suitable professional qualifications and/or considerable appropriate experience.

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Student Destinations

The LLM/PgDip in Construction Law enables lawyers and construction industry professionals to develop expertise in an increasingly complex area of specialist contract work.

Construction Law is constantly developing through case law and legislation to meet the challenges thrown up by the development of the industry worldwide.

Successful completion of the course provides you with additional benefits:

  • enhanced career advancement
  • improved service to clients
  • potential satisfaction of your professional CPD obligations
  • a further academic qualification as tangible evidence of your expertise
  • networking opportunities with professionals from all sectors of the industry

Module Details

Law & Practice of Construction Management
Context of Construction
Legal Process & The Law of Contract and Other Obligations
Law of the Construction Industry
Construction Dispute Resolution

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