  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This MA Concept Art course will enable you to:

  • develop your concept art skills and knowledge, to a professional level
  • produce a commercial-standard personal portfolio that reflects the forefront of current practices in the games, film and animation industries
  • explore the theoretical and contextual understanding of concept art, its audiences and significances in our contemporary media culture
  • develop professional-level enquiry, research, creative invention, project planning and management practices
  • have access to additional technical training by auditing undergraduate skills modules
  • choose to study parts of this course online or on campus (home students only)
  • specialise in one area, such as character or environment design, or develop a broadly-based concept art practice
  • study specialist modules in your chosen discipline area, as well as studying modules that are shared with other awards in the postgraduate media programme such as MA Animation and MA Games Art and Design
  • have a personal tutor who you will see throughout your study and also have regular opportunities for advice on preparing for your future career and developing your portfolios.

Why choose this course?

This MA Concept Art degree meets the needs of the film, games and animation industries which have evolved dramatically over the years; moving away from the days of the solo practitioner to become a growing global market where large teams of artists work in unison to create content for the next generation of technologies. This degree facilitates contemporary approaches as it combines technical knowledge of the software used by concept artists working within current games and film production pipelines, with the aesthetic and traditional skills essential for a professional concept artist.

On this MA Concept Art course, you will also delve into thinking about the cultural resonance of your work and about the audiences it is made for, about the nature of creativity, and the role of the cultural industries in a modern knowledge economy. Enquiry, research and clear communication being key elements that underpin this course.

In addition to specialised theory and skills taught on this course, you will develop a range of project management skills, an ability to identify and manage your own learning while also exploring the opportunities and constraints inherent in commercial, professional and social environments. The MA Concept Art course structure promotes cross-disciplinary discussion while maintaining the focus of discipline specialists,  allowing you to gain a wealth of knowledge while exploring different options. Studying this course will also set you up with crucial key transferable skills of postgraduate study such as research, project management and group working through activities that prepare you for your future creative career in the entertainment industry.

Entry Requirements

Minimum 2.2 degree in a relevant field (exceptionally, applicants with degrees in non-related subjects may be considered) plus an online portfolio which demonstrates an appropriate level of relevant skills. Accreditation of professional experience may be possible for practitioners without a degree.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

The University of Hertfordshire offer a range of tuition fee discounts and non-repayable scholarships to support our postgraduate students, visit website to find out more.

Student Destinations

Concept art graduates will typically work in the games, film and animation industries. All these sectors are currently seeing significant growth driven by the rise in gaming and streaming services with a consequent demand for a larger workforce. Concept Artists are key to all production in these areas.

Graduates work for most major games’ companies including BAFTA winning UK games studio Creative Assembly, Frontier, Splash Damage, Guerrilla Games, Epic Games and Rare.

Module Details

Please visit website for module details.

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