  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Study a degree which develops your arts practice through the expressive world of creative computation. It provides you with the historical foundations, frameworks and critical skills to produce a series of projects for public exhibition. It is delivered by Computing.

Computation consists of all the changes brought about by digital technology. Art is an open set of ways of acting inventively in culture. Mixing the two together in a systematic way gives us computational art. This is a very open field, and one that is set to expand enormously in the coming years. It is where the most exciting developments in technology and in culture can already be found. This degree will place you in the middle of this fast-evolving context.

Entry Requirements

You should have (or expect to be awarded) an undergraduate degree of at least upper second class standard in a relevant/related subject and a portfolio of work (supplied either as a DVD or a URL directing to a relevant web page).

You might also be considered for some programmes if you aren’t a graduate or your degree is in an unrelated field, but have relevant experience and can show that you have the ability to work at postgraduate level.

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Programme Funding

Goldsmiths offers a range of financial support including postgraduate scholarships, bursaries and fee waivers. These are awarded based on a variety of criteria, for example academic achievements or personal circumstances.

Module Details

Compulsory Modules 

  • Workshops in Creative Coding 1 15 credits 
  • Workshops in Creative Coding 2 15 credits 
  • Final Project in Computational Arts 60 credits 
  • Computational Arts-based Research and Theory 30 credits 

Optional modules  

  • 3D Virtual Environments and Animation 15 credits 
  • Advanced Audio-visual Processing 15 credits 
  • Programming for Artists and Designers 15 credits 
  • Machine Learning for Artists and Musicians TBC 
  • Computational Form and Process 15 credits 
  • Approaches to Play: Mechanics Dynamic, Aesthetics 30 credits 
  • Special Topics in Programming for Performance and Installation 15 credits 
  • Narrative and Interactive Fiction 15 credits 
  • Physical Computing 1 15 credits 
  • Physical Computing 2 15 credits 

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