
PGCert Community Rehabilitation

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year PT

Masters Degree Description

The programme will enable you to study, at Master’s level, a defined pathway through the postgraduate certificate in community rehabilitation.

The core modules are designed to link with your clinical practice setting where you will complete a supervised practice portfolio in support of your learning. Mental and Public Health will be threaded through out the core module, as well as the components of Advanced Practice (Leadership, Education, Clinical Practice and Research) in an integrated way enabling you to demonstrate these components in practice.

There will be some element of options available in a choice between two of the three: Community Rehabilitation for Long Term Conditions; Community Rehabilitation for Health Ageing; Mental Health in Non-Mental Health settings.

Entry Requirements

Normally hold an appropriate first degree, if the applicant has not been awarded an appropriate first degree, then the following applies; Applicants who have 60 or more level-6 credits or a non-honours degree meet the entry requirements if all 60 credits have been awarded in the last five years, otherwise applicants would normally be expected to demonstrate their ability to study at this level by completing an appropriate level-7 module before enrolment.

Applicants should be registered with an appropriate professional healthcare body in the UK (for example, HCPC, NMC, RCOT, GPC, Social Work England) and should normally have a minimum of three years post-registration experience.

Applicants should be working for a minimum of 15 hours a week in a clinical setting with the backing of your employer or manager and supervision arrangement in place.


See our website for fees

Student Destinations

Successful completion of the programme is likely to lead to advancement in your health and social care profession, workforce development or educator role.

Module Details

Advanced Practice
Practice Portfolio

Optional Modules
Managing Poor Mental Health in Non-Mental Health Settings
Community Rehabilitation Long Term Conditions
Community Rehabilitation Healthy Ageing

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