  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 3 years part-time, distance learning

Masters Degree Description

Develop your scientific skills and explore new specialisms. If you’re a working biomedical scientist take a step towards being a Chartered Scientist status by studying on our Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) accredited distance-learning course.

Accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) and guided by an employers’ panel (including the NHS), this course is a great asset to your professional development.

You’ll have the opportunity to tailor your studies by choosing a specialist pathology area. Through this you can either enhance your knowledge and understanding of your current field, or open up a career path into a new area such as management.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must hold an undergraduate degree in biomedical science or equivalent, HNC with bridging course, or HNC plus laboratory experience. Applicants should be employed in an appropriate laboratory to support learning and the project. Each applicant is considered on an individual basis. All applicants are advised to contact Dr Richard Jones ( prior to application. Two references must be supplied.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

Our course will enhance your career prospects and provide a major step towards Chartered Scientist status. You can personalise your studies to reflect your career goals as a biomedical scientist. You’re also in the perfect position to continue your academic career and move up to our Biomedical Science PhD.

Module Details

Year one, core modules

  • General Pathology
  • Moving towards Mastery
  • An Introduction to Management in Biomedical Science
  • Research Methods in Biomedical Science

Year two, core modules

  • Biomedical Specialisms 1 – Epidemiology and Pathogenesis
  • Biomedical Specialisms 2 – Diagnostics and Treatment

Year three, core modules

  • Masters Project

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