  • DeadlineStudy Details: MSc 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

Warwick School of Engineering has a unique systems approach to biomedical research and teaching. Our MSc in Biomedical Engineering delivers advanced modules developed across disciplines incorporating biomedical signal processing, medical imaging, predictive modelling, medical device design, electronics, communication, software, hardware, systems thinking and machine intelligence.

In addition, you will be assigned an in-depth individual project, which will allow you to work closely with an academic on state-of-the-art biomedical engineering research and innovation, often linked with industry, and with cutting-edge areas of application across the biomedical field.

The course prepares students for careers in advanced biomedical engineering, including within biomedical engineering research institutions, medical device manufacturers, medical device regulators, and of course hospitals. This includes research into biomedical systems and devices, their manufacture, overseeing medical device clinical trials, purchasing and maintenance.

Entry Requirements

A minimum 2:1 undergraduate UK honours degree or equivalent international qualification, in an engineering, physical sciences or mathematical subject.

Please note that applicants will need post A2 Level (or equivalent) knowledge in Mathematics, covering topics such as linear algebra, calculus and analysis, and including differential equations. This could be gained through a mathematics module taken as part of an undergraduate course. It is expected that candidates have a good understanding of these topics at the start of their MSc studies.

You can see how your current degree score or GPA equates to the British system in our Study pages in the equivalent scores table.

We are willing to consider applications from students with lower qualifications on a case-by-case basis, particularly when the applicant can evidence relevant employment, practical experience or strong performance in undergraduate modules related to their proposed postgraduate course of study.

To ensure you have the essential foundations for the course, and depending on your overall academic profile, we may require you to take a mathematical skills test.

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Programme Funding

We offer a variety of postgraduate funding options for study at the University of Warwick, from postgraduate loans, university scholarships, fee awards, to academic department bursaries.

Student Destinations

The course prepares students for careers in advanced biomedical engineering, including within biomedical engineering research institutions, medical device manufacturers, medical device regulators, and of course hospitals. This includes research into biomedical systems and devices, their manufacture, overseeing medical device clinical trials, purchasing and maintenance.

Module Details

Core modules

Research and Professional Skills in Biomedical Engineering

This is an introduction to Biomedical Engineering for MSc students on this course. This module is held at the beginning of the term one and aims to quickly give you an overview of the biomedical various topics to help you choose an appropriate MSc project. The module will also equip you with the required background knowledge and skills for the MSc course.

Biomedical Imaging

This module will introduce you to the fundamental principles and applications of medical imaging in the human body, and to imaging and sensing in the brain. Techniques include Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), X-ray Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Electroencephalography (EEG), Magnetoencephalography (MEG), and Ultrasound. The module will provide you with a firm grounding in the basic theory underpinning the core methods in clinical practice, as well as an awareness of emerging technologies and their applications.


On this module you will develop a firm understanding and knowledge of the principles of mechanics as applied to biomedical and biological systems, across the spectrum from single cell and tissue mechanics, through to analysis of human gait. The module will introduce you to fundamental principles involved in both experimental and analytical methods, and enable you to use such methods.

Medical Device: Design, Maintenance and Assessment

On this module you will develop a firm understanding of the principles of modern design, maintenance and assessment of healthcare technologies, including: medical devices, novel treatment and therapeutic technologies, technologies for a healthy life-course, systems and environments for care delivery. This module will provide you with a firm grounding in methods and tools for design, management and assessment of health technologies for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

Biomedical Systems Modelling

A wide variety of biomedical processes behave as dynamic systems where the system states vary in time, often in response to external stimuli or interventions. The aims of this module are to introduce techniques and computer tools for modelling, predicting, analysing and understanding dynamic behaviour in biomedical systems.

Individual Project

This module gives you the opportunity to demonstrate that you have independently contributed primary data and/or a new analysis of secondary data, within your chosen advanced research topic.

Projects will be highly variable in nature to reflect the range of topics within the programmes of study but all will provide you with an opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes. Thus, projects may entail experimentation, modelling, analysis and literary survey skills to develop advanced skills in the discovery and occasionally creation of new knowledge. The module also offers the chance for you to pursue curiosity driven work guided by an academic supervisor.

Optional modules

Optional modules can vary from year to year. Example optional modules may include:

  • Biomedical Signal Processing
  • Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
  • Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering
  • Systems Modelling and Control
  • Biological Systems: Analysis, Dynamics and Control

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