
MA Artists’ Film & Moving Image

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This twelve-month, intensively taught practice-based Masters is aimed at artists and graduates working within the field of artists’ film and moving image who wish to develop their practice and professional networks with the support of Goldsmiths’ Art Department and its uniquely high concentration of accomplished artist filmmakers.

The programme is centred on the individual experience and knowledge that each student brings, developing them as artists who want to innovate in the expanding field of moving image. Students are challenged to synthesise the knowledge and understanding gained from its bespoke curriculum linking practice, theory and professional development into a reflective, informed and decisive approach to the intellectual, aesthetic, social and technical processes necessary to bring their individual artistic project in moving image or related media from idea to realisation.

Entry Requirements

You should have – or expect to be awarded – an undergraduate degree of at least upper second class standard with a substantial fine art, film or moving image component, or can demonstrate an established creative practice appropriate to qualify for entry.

Consideration will be given if you do not have an academic background but can demonstrate professional experience in this area and can show that you have the ability to work and study at postgraduate level.

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Programme Funding

Goldsmiths offers a range of financial support including postgraduate scholarships, bursaries and fee waivers. These are awarded based on a variety of criteria, for example academic achievements or personal circumstances.

Student Destinations

The MA Artists’ Film & Moving Image is designed to provide you with an understanding and experience of artists’ moving image practice that has a breadth of outcomes and a variety of transferable skills in the knowledge that the professional field demands creative and practical flexibility.

Students completing the programme should be able to establish themselves as practitioners of significance in the field of contemporary art, film and moving image and related professions, including: independent artist filmmakers, academics, teachers, curators, writers, critics, as well as institutional and independent innovators.

Throughout the duration of the programme you will be introduced to and work alongside leading professionals from within the field of Artists’ Film, through workshops, seminars and one-to-one meetings. This will contribute to your establishing your own professional network, as well as providing significant experience and understanding of the processes of production, display and distribution of artists’ film and moving image.

The Department of Art has a long and continuing record of alumni establishing professional careers and achieving considerable success in the field, including nominations to and winners of the Derek Jarman Award, the Turner Prize and the Oscars, alongside and in addition to alumni who show their work internationally at museums, public and commercial galleries, as well as on national television, international film festivals and biennales.

Module Details

The programme has three compulsory summative modules that run simultaneously. All parts of the programme are mandatory. There are no optional modules on the programme. 

  • Artists’ Film Practice 90 credits 
  • Artists’ Film Research Portfolio 45 credits 
  • Histories, Contexts and Futures of Artists’ Film 45 credits 

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