
MA PG Dip Art Museum and Gallery Studies

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA/PGDip 9 months-1 year, full-time

Masters Degree Description

This is for you if you want to gain arts-focused skills, knowledge and expertise to develop a career in the arts and cultural sector or prepare for a research degree.

Art Museum and Gallery Studies puts museums in relation to the diverse network of spaces where art is made, defined, experienced and debated. Grounded in professional experience and cutting-edge research, our programme provides expert training in art history, curating, collections, public engagement and the social and political agency of art. We encourage a critical and forward-thinking approach to the role of art and its institutions in a changing world and the meaning of art beyond conventional spheres. By combining research-led teaching with hands-on experience and an eight-week professional placement, Art Museum and Gallery Studies will support you in joining a community of professionals and scholars working across the world as School of Museum Studies graduates.

Entry Requirements

In recognition of the diverse employment needs of the culture sector, our admissions process recognises and credits a range of prior qualifications and experiences.

  • Either a first class or second class degree, which can be in any subject area.
  • Or be able to demonstrate equivalent skills and aptitudes through the possession of a professional or vocational qualification and/or the accrual of relevant work experiences. Relevant experience can come from a wide spectrum of work or voluntary environments but clear evidence of this experience must be provided.

You should be able to demonstrate a commitment to, or strong interest in, museums, galleries, or other kinds of heritage or cultural organisation.

If you do not have a degree, you will be asked complete an assessment, such as an essay, to demonstrate your readiness for postgraduate study. Clear guidance will be provided on assessment criteria. You may also be required to attend an interview.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

There are a number of possible sources of funding: loans and grants, bursaries and scholarships.

Student Destinations

Collaboration with art institutions, cultural organisations and museums is central to the development and delivery of our postgraduate programmes.

Our dedicated employability staff provide guidance on identifying and meeting career aims; developing your CV; completing applications and preparing for interviews.

Whether working within the sector for the first time, or building on existing experience, our eight-week work placement module will offer crucial professional experience.

Module Details

Our 12-month MA programme consists of six taught modules together with a supervised research module and professional placement module.

Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) students complete all modules apart from the research project.

  • Locating Art
  • Making Art History
  • Curating Now
  • Managing Art Collections
  • Designing for Creative Lives
  • Entering the Field
  • Practice (double module)

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