
MA Architecture and Historic Urban Environments

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time, 5 years flexible

Masters Degree Description

This programme pioneers a fresh and critical approach to architecture and historic urban environments at a world-leading architecture school. 

We are living in a time of planetary crisis. Historically, the built environment has been a major contributor to this problem, but in the future, in a world that has already largely been constructed, it must be the site of profound solutions. Championing a reparative approach to the built environment, this programme strives to achieve an urgent and radical transformation, asking students to critically engage with the past to build a better future by reinterpreting, rejuvenating, recreating and rethinking urban environments at all scales.  

Using London as an outstanding laboratory for learning, students are encouraged to interrogate the past through a rigorous analysis of the present, identifying and addressing historical inequities – environmentally, racially, spatially, and socially – ingrained in the urban fabric and common to all cities.

Supported by an outstanding team of award-winning tutors comprising internationally renowned designers, historians and researchers, students learn innovative urban strategies and engage with key issues concerning urban and cultural heritage alongside the theory and practice of urban surveying, recording, mapping and analysis. Throughout the programme, students are encouraged to develop their own creative practice and critical voice, which are expressed fully in the production of a Final Project that responds to and reflects the programme’s aims of building equitable futures from inequitable pasts.  

Entry Requirements

A minimum of a second-class UK degree in an appropriate subject or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. A design/creative portfolio is also expected. Applicants will be asked to submit a portfolio of their design work once their completed application has been received, and should not send or upload work until it has been requested.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

Graduates of this programme often go on to assume leading roles in varied disciplines engaged with historic and contemporary urban environments at all scales. The programme is ideally suited for graduates seeking to widen their professional practice, enhance career prospects, or embark on new career trajectories in the built environment through design, public policy or advocacy. With experience of different cities and urban conditions in a global context, graduates are highly skilled in working flexibly, collaboratively and resourcefully in different cultural, geographic and professional environments, either in the public or private sector. 

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • Design Practice for Historic Environments
  • Design Research Methods for Historic Environments
  • Final Project
  • Issues in Historic Urban Environments
  • Surveying and Recording of Cities

Optional modules

  • Architecture in Britain since the 17th Century
  • E-Merging Analysis and Design Project
  • Histories of Global London, 1900 to the Present (I)
  • Histories of Global London, 1900 to the Present (II)
  • History and Theory of Digital Design
  • Materialist Ecological Architectures
  • Multiple Modernities Architecture
  • Practices of Criticism
  • Sustainable Strategies
  • The Representation of Cities
  • Theorising Practices: Architecture, Art and Urbanism

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