  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MArch: 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This MArch from LJMU invites you to creatively engage in a truly interdisciplinary and project-orientated architectural study.

  • Embark on this research-informed, nationally respected programme that has been fully validated and externally accredited for over 40 years
  • Take part in overseas workshops enabling you to undertake design work in new territories and contexts such as Porto, Marseille, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Essen and Duisburg
  • Develop skills in communication, presentation and self-motivation
  • Benefit from state-of-the-art workspaces and facilities within the RIBA award-winning John Lennon Art and Design Building

This programme of study is thoughtfully balanced to address the creative and technical demands of the architectural profession.

In the 2017 RIBA revalidation, the MArch programme was commended by the visiting assessors for: ‘the Architecture programme’s focus on urban design projects across a range of scales, evident in the work of the MArch students’.

Taught principally through a studio environment that is underpinned and informed by lectures and workshops, the over-arching ambition of the programme is to create graduates with artistic flair, who are technically skilled and grounded in the demands of the professional role of the architect.

The learning and teaching environment is progressively informed by research in pedagogy in the creative field. While teaching the curriculum, the programme also develops less tangible skills in students, such as communication, presentation and self-motivation. A key ambition is to create independent thinkers, adept at resolving problems with creativity and originality.

Entry Requirements

You will need:

  • a minimum 2:2 honours degree in Architecture
  • to attend an interview

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Programme Funding

Please see the LJMU website for details.

Student Destinations

LJMU has an excellent employability record with 96% (HESA 2017) of our postgraduates in work or further study six months after graduation. Our applied learning techniques and strong industry connections ensure our students are fully prepared for the workplace on graduation and understand how to apply their knowledge in a real world context.

Postgraduates from this programme are highly sought after by employers.

On graduation you will gain exemption from ARB/ RIBA Part 2 examinations. This qualification is essential if you want to become a registered architect and gain Chartered status. Once you have passed the ARB/RIBA Part 3 exams, you can practice in any EU or commonwealth country and many other countries outside the EU.

Many of our graduates secure employment at world-class practices throughout the UK and further afield. Some have remained in the city of Liverpool, contributing to its evolution by taking key roles in leading practices that have reshaped the city over the last decade.

If, after graduating, you choose not to go down the route of becoming a registered Architect, many other careers are open to you. Past graduates have pursued successful careers as Project Managers, Property Developers, Building Contractors, Furniture Designers, Lighting Designers, Architectural Visualisation Artists and Journalists.

Module Details

Core Modules

Theory and Research 1 30 credits
Urban Design Project 1 30 credits
Practice and legislation 30 credits
Theory and research 30 credits
Urban Design Project 1 30 credits

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