
PG Dip Architectural Practice – ARB Part 3

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGDip 1 year part-time

Masters Degree Description

This programme enables students to complete their professional training and follows the ARB’s criteria for Part 3, thereby enabling graduates who have completed all three examinations to apply for professional registration as Architects in the UK. The course is prescribed by the ARB (Architects’ Registration Board).

The University of Kent’s PDip Architectural Practice programme is a one-year postgraduate course which forms the third and final part of the UK’s traditional professional pathway leading, for graduates with the required exemptions from professional examinations, toward registration in the UK as an ‘Architect’.

Our PDip Architectural Practice programme is prescribed by the Architects’ Registration Board (ARB) as giving exemption from Part 3 of their professional examinations.

The programme draws on the academic and professional knowledge with the Kent School of Architecture and Planning and explores alternative building procurement strategies, reflecting innovative practice based on published sources and the staff team’s personal experience. UK practice is presented in a wider International context, meeting ARB’s criteria and equipping graduates to work in a wide range of professional roles and environments.

Entry Requirements

Entrants will normally be required to hold undergraduate (ARB Part 1) and graduate (ARB Part 2) qualifications.

Exceptional students who do not hold such qualifications but can demonstrate an equivalent academic ability and depth of professional experience may be enrolled but would need ARB Part 1 and Part 2 qualifications prior to applying for professional registration.

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Programme Funding

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Student Destinations

Studying at KSAP will equip you for a successful career in architecture. In addition to your professional skills, you will also develop a wide range of transferable skills in areas such as communication, team-working, problem-solving and computer literacy.

Module Details

For module information please see here

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