
MArch Architect Apprenticeship (Level 7) (RIBA Part 2 and Part 3)

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Masters Degree Description

This postgraduate course combines an apprenticeship with study over a four-year period. Funded by their employer, participants complete RIBA parts 2 and 3 whilst working as architectural apprentices.

You may be interested if you are:

  • an individual hoping to study RIBA parts 2 and 3 part-time whilst working as an apprentice in an architectural firm (having already secured your apprenticeship position)
  • an architecture practice that already has an apprentice who they would like to fund in completing this course alongside their apprenticeship

As an apprentice you will join London Met’s revered School of Art, Architecture and Design. The design and technology teaching for this postgraduate architecture course is carried out by a combination of practitioners and academics, ensuring the programme maintains relevance. With its campus located in a thriving cultural area of London, the School also boasts strong links to architectural and construction industries.

This course is designed to enable architecture practices to retain talented apprentices, so they may continue to work four days a week in the office whilst studying our whilst studying our Architecture (RIBA 2) - MArch and Examination in Professional Practice (RIBA 3) - PG Cert courses on a part-time basis. Over their four-year postgraduate journey to fully-qualified status as an architect, the apprentice will progress through a combination of work-based training and university study.

95% funding is available for smaller practices as well as 100% funding for larger levy-paying practices. You can find out more about employing an apprentice and getting funding here.

To express interest in this programme and begin your application, both apprentices and architecture practices can contact Peggy Le Cren on

Our Architect Apprenticeship is fully integrated with our long-established and highly-regarded RIBA 2 and RIBA 3 courses. The apprenticeship will lead to the Part 2 award of a Master of Architecture (MArch) (on the successful completion of the first three years of study), and the Part 3 award of PG Certificate in Professional Practice in Architecture (on completion of the end-point assesment in the fourth year of study).

Our students have had considerable success in the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Awards, winning the RIBA Silver Medal in 2002, 2003 and 2012, together with numerous commendations and other awards.

Architecture at London Met is taught in Aldgate, in east London’s creative heart. Students will benefit from access to all our art and design facilities, which cater to textiles, ceramics, furniture-making, printing, high-end digital reproduction and film-making, as well as photography equipment, workshops and specialised technicians.

The course will include the development of designs and design strategies with regards to wider urban and landscape concerns in central London and beyond. These designs will address the integration of social, cultural and economic as well as environmental and sustainable concerns, preparing apprentices for their futures as architects working in the profession and other parts of the construction industry, both locally and internationally. Apprentices will learn to work collaboratively and collectively and be able to critically analyse a given situation in order to contribute to appropriate solutions.

Apprenticeships are a fantastic way to start or enhance a career – they allow the apprentice to be employed and to be paid, whilst learning and gaining a qualification in their chosen occupational area. If you're an employer, apprenticeships can also help enhance your business by utilising your levy to recruit an apprentice who can have a positive impact on your organisation.

Get a closer look at our students' achievements at LIVENESS, our School of Art, Architecture and Design's online summer show.


Entry Requirements

The apprentice will be required to have:

  • a good degree in architecture
  • Passed ARB / RIBA accredited Part 1
  • GCSE Maths and English at grade C/4, or equivalent Level 2 qualification (you'll be asked to evidence your grade with a certificate)
  • the ability to demonstrate talent as a designer and the motivation to complete the course successfully
  • already be employed as an apprentice at an architectural practice
  • agreed the terms of this apprenticeship with their employer prior to applying
  • two references (one from your employer and an academic one)

For those with an Education Health and Care plan (EHC) or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and Maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. For those for whom British Sign Language is their primary language, British Sign Language qualifications are accepted as an alternative to English qualifications.

Selected candidates are asked to attend an interview with their portfolio, which should include a wide range of work and demonstrate a wide range of skills.

**Due to the apprenticeship residency requirements, this programme is not open to international students.

**The Architect Apprenticeship (RIBA 2 & 3) MArch course starts in September. It is strongly recommended that your application for the course is submitted by 1 July to ensure that there is sufficient time to attend an interview and complete all associated administration work before enrolling on to the course. 

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