
MA PG Dip PG Cert Archaeology and Heritage (Distance Learning)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA/PGDip/PGCert 1 or 2 years full-time or part-time, by distance learning

Masters Degree Description

How should archaeological sites be presented to the public? What are the ethical concerns around preservation and restoration? This degree is about understanding how we value and understand archaeological heritage.

This degree explores approaches to the archaeological heritage in general, landscape archaeology, archaeology and education, and the archaeology of standing buildings. These fields are explored within a global framework, encouraging both critical intellectual engagement with more advanced academic research while developing skills and understandings in relation to with practical applications. The course materials have been developed for an international student body and are designed to be both relevant to your specific concerns and backgrounds, while seeking to extend horizons globally in new and exciting directions.

Entry Requirements

A good second class (2:1, or equivalent) honours degree in Archaeology (or Anthropology in North America) or a closely related subject.

If you have a degree in a less-relevant subject, you may be able to apply for this degree after completing specific conversion modules to an appropriate standard, by prior agreement with the Course Director.

If you have extensive relevant professional experience (5 years or more) the Course Director may consider this, on an individual basis.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

There are a number of possible sources of funding: loans and grants, bursaries and scholarships.

Student Destinations

Archaeology courses are designed to enable you to develop your skills and knowledge, whether to enhance your career prospects, proceed to further study, or for general interest.

There are opportunities to develop your practical skills, and employability skills are embedded throughout our curriculum. Consequently, our courses are highly valued by employers who will recognise the key transferable and subject-specific skills gained.

Module Details

MA modules

Core modules

  • Critical Approaches to the Archaeological Heritage
  • Doing Historical Archaeology (compulsory for students completing a Dissertation in Historical Archaeology, else optional)

Plus your Archaeology Dissertation of 15,000 words

Option modules

Choose two option modules from:

  • Archaeology and Education
  • Archaeology of Standing Buildings
  • Landscape Archaeology

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