  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSC 1 year Full Time, 2 years Part-Time

Masters Degree Description

  • Research cutting-edge methods and techniques
  • The opportunity to gain experience in a work placement
  • Prepare for a career in policing, security or research

Can you eliminate the impossible to find the truth, however improbable? Whether you’re pursuing a career as a consulting detective or a more conventional route into the world of criminology, Applied Criminology at Winchester equips you with the skills and knowledge to enter your chosen profession.

Explore the fascinating and complex world of crime, deviance, security and insecurity as they relate to careers in crime prevention, detection and security and research. Develop your understanding of criminological concepts and methods and how they’re used in professional contexts, with opportunities to gain direct experience through a work placement or internship. Complete advanced training in criminological research methods relevant to applied settings, in keeping with our ethos of active and engaged learning.

Entry Requirements

Normally a first or second-class Honours degree or professional experience in the area of study. A related Honours degree is desirable but not essential, but enrolling students should all possess a basic knowledge of theoretical criminology. Reading suggestions and material considered essential for the programme will be made available prior to the start of the courses.

This course is ideal for those with an interest in pursuing a criminal justice career in policing, probation, prison work or similar.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

We have a variety of scholarship and bursaries available to support you financially with the cost of your course – visit website for details.

Student Destinations

The programme is designed to prepare students for a range of criminological careers, specifically focused policing and security, research and academic careers.

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