  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc One year full time

Masters Degree Description

The MSc in Animal Behaviour is a one-year taught programme run by the School of Biology. This programme has a distinct focus on the theoretical, experimental design-based, analytical and technical approaches underpinning modern animal behaviour research.


  • The programme is taught within the School of Biology’s Centre for Biological Diversity, an internationally recognised centre of excellence for animal behaviour research, including animal cognition, cultural evolution, biologging and the study of complex systems.
  • A core curriculum focused on training in valuable transferable skills is supplemented with a range of specialised options allowing students to explore topics of particular interest at an advanced level.
  • You might have the exciting opportunity to conduct fieldwork locally as part of a core module and further afield as part of optional field courses (extra cost applicable) in Antarctica (polar ecology)Indonesia (scientific diving).
  • You will undertake a detailed independent research project within one of the School of Biology’s research groups. 
  • Student-led seminars and workshops are designed to support learning, enhance confidence and promote employability.

Entry Requirements

A firstupper 2.1 (Honours) undergraduate degree in a biological science. Other sciencemathematics degrees may be acceptable. If you studied your first degree outside the UK, see the international entry requirements.

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Student Destinations

This programme will provide a strong foundation for students wishing to further their studies (for example, MPhil or PhD) or those choosing to pursue careers in animal behaviour.  

The Careers Centre offers one-to-one advice to all students as well as a programme of events to assist students in building their employability skills.

Module Details


During Semester 1, students take two compulsory modules that provide sound training in essential skills for animal behaviour research. 

  • Mathematical and Statistical Modelling for Biologists: applies mathematical ideas to questions in biology and introduces methods for fitting models to biological data mainly using R software. 
  • Research Skills for Animal Behaviour: focuses on key skills for designing and carrying out experimental research in the laboratory and field.

In Semester 2, students take the following compulsory module:  

  • Communication Skills for Animal Behaviour Research: practices key communication skills for modern animal behaviour research, including writing for other scientists, peer review, communicating with the public and outreach. 


You will also choose three of the following optional modules: 

  • Predators and Prey: explore the diverse behaviours that shape the interactions between predators and their prey. 
  • Advanced Animal Cognition: develop an understanding of how animals perceive the world and how their cognitive abilities are shaped by selection. 
  • Current Issues in Biologging: presents an introduction to the theory and practice of logging and relaying physical and biological data using animal-attached tags. 
  • The Question of Culture in Animals: discuss the existence and extent of social learning and cultural transmission in non-humans. 
  • Complex Systems in Animal Behaviour: examine animal behaviour from a complex systems’ perspective, where analyses range from captive housing of entire bird flocks, computer simulation, and use of robots to interact with the animals. 
  • Scientific Diving: field course at a tropical diving location (requires suitable diving qualifications and payment of expedition fee, offered only if international travel conditions allow).
  • Predator Ecology in Polar Ecosystems - Antarctica: theoretical and practical field course including a vessel-based trip to Antarctica (requires payment of an expedition fee, offered only if international travel conditions allow). 

Optional modules are subject to change each year and require a minimum number of participants to be offered; some may only allow limited numbers of students (see the University’s position on curriculum development).  

Research Project

Throughout the academic year, students complete a research project which will culminate in a written dissertation and presentation of a poster at the MSc student conference. Projects will be supervised by Biology staff but may be carried out with joint supervision from staff in other institutions. Students can choose from a range of projects suggested by supervisors and also take an active role in designing their own project plan.   

A broad range of research into animal behaviour, ecology and evolution takes places within the Centre for Biological Diversity, and projects will be offered within many of these areas. Below are examples of some of the different topics currently studied within the Centre. 

  • animal cognition in the wild 
  • animal cultures 
  • behaviour and speciation in insects 
  • behaviour of groups and collective behaviour
  • behavioural ecology and conservation ecology of birds 
  • complex biological systems 
  • evolutionary developmental biology 
  • fish behaviour and evolution
  • insect behavioural ecology and evolution 
  • social learning. 

If students choose not to complete the dissertation requirement for the MSc, there are exit awards available that allow suitably qualified candidates to receive a Postgraduate Diploma. By choosing an exit award, you will finish your degree at the end of the second semester of study and receive a PGDip instead of an MSc. 

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