  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    3 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This clinical master’s (MSc) programme in Advanced Pharmacy Practice, informed by the latest NHS developments in primary and secondary care, aims to equip you with the relevant skills to meet the challenges of current and emerging practice roles across all healthcare sectors.

The first year of the course provides up-to-date information on clinical pharmacy, evidence-based medicine and public health roles. In Year 2, the course provides a large degree of flexibility with options to suit your interests, including modules on Integrated Care, Acute and Emergency Care, Mental Health, Leadership and Management as well as qualification as an Independent Prescriber.

Entry Requirements

Have a Pharmacy degree and be currently registered as a Pharmacist with the General Pharmaceutical Council.

If you are taking the Independent Prescribing module you must:

Meet all of the above criteria, plus:

  • Be able to satisfy the Course Leader that you have sufficient expertise and competence in the chosen area of prescribing
  • Have a minimum of two years post registration experience
  • Be able to identify and nominate a Designated Medical Practitioner (DMP)

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Please see our website for fee information

Module Details

Year 1
Core Modules
Clinical Pharmacy 1
Evidence Based Medicine
Public Health
Year 2
60 credits from the following options:
Clinical Pharmacy 2 (20 credits)
Integrated Care (20 credits)
Acute and Emergency Care (20 credits)
Mental Health (20 credits)
Leadership and Management (20 credits)
Independent Prescribing (40 credits)
Research Methods (40 credits)
Year 3
Independent Project (20 credits) &
Independent Prescribing (40 credits)
Research Project (60 credits)

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