  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Full-time: 1 year; Part-time; 2-3 years. The course can be studied part-time by distance learning/block delivery

Masters Degree Description

Will you inspire and train the medics and healthcare professionals of the future? This series of postgraduate courses will provide an introduction to teaching, learning and assessing for those new to educating others and will allow experienced tutors to refine and enhance their skills by reviewing current practice.

Suitable for doctors and other healthcare professionals who are responsible for teaching, assessing and supporting students and trainees, both in educational institutions and in the workplace, who wish to enhance their confidence and skills in medical education.

Entry Requirements

  • Must hold 2:2 medical or dental degree (e.g. MB ChB, MB BS, B.D.S), or degree-level qualification within another healthcare discipline (eg. MSc Physiotherapy; MSc Sports Science etc.)
  • Be actively engaged in medical, dental or healthcare practice

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Please see our website for fee information

Module Details

PG Certificate in Medical Education
MB4105 Professionalism in Healthcare Settings
MB4102 Educational Theory to Educational Practice
MB4104 Assessment in Healthcare Settings

PG Diploma in Medical Education
MB4100 Assessment Design and Delivery
MB4101 Evidence-based Medical Education
MB4103 Methods in Medical Education Research

MSc Medical Education
MB4011 Professional Project
MB4010 Dissertation

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