
LLM Master Of Laws

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    LLM 12 months full-time, 24 or 48 months part-time

Masters Degree Description



Entry Requirements

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Student Destinations

The LLM programme provides excellent prospects for graduates seeking to start their career in major commercial centres around the world, with in-house legal departments or government legal services. Some graduates go on to pursue a career at the Bar.

Graduates with a legal qualification from their home jurisdictions and relevant experience may be eligible to join a variety of employers in legal and other sectors such as financial and management consulting, subject to re-qualification and visa requirements within the jurisdiction. Others may continue to progress their careers in national, regional and international law firms, courts or work in a legal capacity within an NGO or multilateral organisation.


Module Details

This programme is available full-time or part-time. Part-time LLM students take four half-unit courses each year, attending the same sessions as full-time students. Students may also register on an extended part-time basis, taking two half-unit courses each year, and bringing the total duration of the programme to 48 months.

You will take the compulsory course Legal Research and Writing Skills, which is assessed by a 10,000-word dissertation. You will then select seven LLM courses from the large range on offer, often approximately 90.

See our website for current modules

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