
MA Writing for Script & Screen – Online

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA Online

Masters Degree Description

Our Writing for Script & Screen MA is designed to equip you with the writing skills, industry knowhow, professional skills and experience of collaborative working that the ever- changing industry demands. It aims to create graduates that stand out from the crowd, and who understand how to function within a professional environment across different screen industries. 

As an online course this allows me to continue living in the area where I have built most of my contacts and allows me to continue working alongside the course.
Mark Anthony Games

This Masters in Writing for Script & Screen is for you if you want to:


  • Develop and perfect your storytelling skills.
  • Learn about writing for all screens from TV and Film to Games.
  • Learn how to respond to a brief and pitch.
  • Write for today’s markets, not those of a decade ago.
  • Network with fellow writers.

Studying flexibly with Falmouth University

The creative sector continues to grow globally. Whether you seek to enhance or begin your career in the creative sector, Falmouth University’s flexible learning programmes equip you with the right skills and knowledge to do so, without interrupting your income and career progression.

Key Facts

  • Learn flexibly from home, the workplace or on the move anywhere in the world through Falmouth Flexible intuitive online learning platform.
  • Get student benefits, as a Falmouth Flexible student, you enjoy the same status as any on-campus students, from receiving a Student ID card and qualifying to apply for a NUS student discount card.
  • Graduate with an award equal in title and quality as given to Falmouth university on campus students and have the opportunity to attend your graduation ceremony in the UK.

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