  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time 2 years part-time 5 years flexible

Masters Degree Description

Sustainable Urbanism MSc brings together urban sustainability theory, policy and design to tackle the impact of rapid urbanisation on the environment and society. This urban planning master’s degree is designed to teach you the multidisciplinary skills and knowledge ready for a career in the built environment focussing on urban sustainability or sustainable development.

Sustainable Urbanism MSc teaches you the skills and knowledge to build your career tackling sustainability challenges in urban environments. The degree explores the multiple challenges posed by urbanisation today, by bringing together sustainable urban development theory and practice to advance future sustainability of our towns and cities.

You will gain an understanding of sustainable urbanism research themes, critically analysing the latest thinking and debates in sustainable development. By exploring urban case studies from around the world you will explore the tensions and synergies between the institutional, environmental, social and economic objectives of sustainability. We draw from multiple disciplinary perspectives including urban planning geography, ecology, urban design and sociology to give you a holistic understanding of sustainability in urban environments. Through hands-on project work you will gain a practical understanding of the delivery of sustainable urbanism by engaging with plans and designs.

Entry Requirements

Normally a minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree (or higher) from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. There is no particular subject requirement as the MSc provides an ‘initial’ planning education for graduates with cognate or non-cognate degrees. Where candidates fail to meet the standard requirement (i.e. they hold a degree of a lower classification), the department will take into account professional experience in planning or a related field when deciding whether to admit a candidate. Applicants who do not hold a first degree may, in exceptional cases, be admitted to the programme if they are able to demonstrate considerable senior-level professional experience in planning or a related field. In such situations, a special qualifying essay will be set

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Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

You will gain many transferable skills required to build your career tackling sustainability challenges in urban environments. These include:

  • Systems thinking
  • Critical thinking
  • Urban design skills
  • Graphic skills
  • Professional report writing
  • Presentation skills
  • Numerical skills related to sustainable urbanism

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • Urban Design: Place Making
  • Critical Debates in Sustainable Urbanism
  • Sustainable Urban Development: Key Themes
  • Sustainable Urban Development: Project
  • Sustainable Property: Valuation, Investment, Development
  • Dissertation in Planning

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