  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc One year full time; part-time study is not currently offered.

Masters Degree Description


The MSc in Sustainable Development explores the socio-economic, political, and environmental aspects of the inter-relationships between human development and sustainability.





    • Introduces key topics in sustainable development, providing a broad-based overview of the field.


    • Interdisciplinary character helps you to develop a more rounded understanding of sustainable development questions and concepts.


    • Critical study of socio-economic, political, and environmental aspects gives a remarkable richness and depth compared with conventional single-subject degrees.


    • Considers sustainability from the perspectives of the public, businesses, and policymakers and the relationships between academia, policy, and society.


    • Integrated training programme connects your academic learning with the development of personal and professional competencies.



Using the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals as a common framework, you will:



    • engage with critical perspectives on sustainability and related subjects


    • gain an interdisciplinary understanding of sustainable development principles and practice


    • develop your ability to critically assess sustainable development problems and solutions from multiple perspectives.



The MSc includes an integrated programme of skills workshops that connect your academic learning with the development of personal and professional competencies. Workshops bring together students from other Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies Masters degrees, helping you to make new interdisciplinary connections.


Teaching format


The taught modules are taken over two semesters – September to December (Semester 1) and January to May (Semester 2). The period from June to August is used to complete the end of degree project.


Each taught module will use teaching and learning methods appropriate to its aims. These may include seminars, workshops, lectures, tutorials, and independent study.


Assessment methods used may include essays, reports, presentations, practical exercises, reflective exercises, and examinations.


Further particulars regarding curriculum development.


Entry Requirements

A 2.1 Honours undergraduate degree. If you studied your first degree outside the UK, see the international entry requirements.


For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

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