
PG Cert Supervision (Creative Practices)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PgCert: 9 months full-time, low attendance

Masters Degree Description

This exciting opportunity will enable you to develop skills to supervise projects of research at postgraduate taught (PGT) and postgraduate research (PGR) levels. It will enable participants to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of current research contexts and pedagogies of supervision at postgraduate level.

Surveys of UK programmes highlight a lack of provision for supervisory practice, especially in creative disciplines. Focusing on the specific problems raised by creative disciplines and the issue of practice-led and/or practice-oriented research, this PgCert in Supervision will offer a comprehensive, tailored experience in supervisor development, and is intended as a stand alone award that prepares its students for professional competencies in research supervision at a level appropriate to postgraduate study.

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Scotland/EU/UK: £1,920. International: £4,512

Module Details

The PGCert in Supervision (Creative Practices) aims to offer the opportunity to:

  • Develop knowledge and understanding of the pedagogies and contexts for research in and into supervisory practices, through focusing on research principles, practices and processes
  • Acquire supervisory and critical judgement skills, necessary to provide confident research supervision at postgraduate level
  • Understand the histories and contexts of research, the development of creative practice research cultures in the UK and internationally, and current debates around research and research degrees policy
  • Promote reflective educational practice

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