  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The MSc Sport Psychology course will develop advanced specialist knowledge, tools and applied skills for individuals wishing to pursue a career in sport psychology. The course will develop your understanding of sport psychology theories, principles, and practices that are at the forefront of the discipline.

A research-informed approach will underpin the development of theoretical understanding and an applied skillset in key areas of sport psychology such as developmental processes, performance psychology, learning and cognition, sport psychology across the lifespan, and mental health in and through sport. The course places a significant emphasis on youth development and this focus ensures that students are well-prepared to support young athletes in navigating the challenges and opportunities that sport presents. The course will facilitate your knowledge and offer opportunities to develop practitioner competencies that are required for supporting the needs of key stakeholders (e.g. athletes, coaches, parents) in sport contexts.

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Programme Funding

You might be able to get a scholarship to help fund your studies. We award scholarships to those students who can demonstrate excellent achievement, passion and dedication to their studies.

Student Destinations

Graduates of the MSc Sport Psychology course will be well prepared to pursue their career goals, whether that be working with sport teams and organisations, or undertaking further research in sport psychology through the completion of a research degree (i.e., PhD).

Staff are in the process of seeking BPS accreditation for this course, which constitutes Stage 1 of training to become an accredited Sport and Exercise Psychologist. Following the successful completion of this course, you may be eligible to register for the two year full time (up to four year part time) Stage 2 Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (QSEP). Those registering for this pathway are required by the BPS to have Graduate Status for Chartership (GBC). An alternative pathway is to enter the BASES Sport and Exercise Psychology Accreditation Route (SEPAR) which requires you to complete between two and four years of training under supervision. You may also be required to successfully complete the Open University 60-credit module (Investigating Psychology 2) as prerequisite for this pathway.

Module Details

  • Professional Practice in Sport Psychology (20 credit points)
  • Performance Psychology (20 cp)
  • The Developing Athlete (20 cp)
  • Learning and Cognition (20 cp)
  • Mental Health In and Through Sport (20 cp)
  • Research Methods in Sport Psychology (20 cp)
  • Research Project (60 cp)

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