
MRes Sport and Exercise Psychology

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Become an expert in the fields of sport and exercise psychology. Apply your psychological knowledge to enhance the personal development and performance of athletes, coaches, individuals, teams and organisations You will use psychological principles to promote exercise participation and motivation among the general population. You’ll work with individuals to plan exercise regimes.

Also explore how to help athletes achieve optimal mental health to improve performance whilst investigating how motivations, beliefs and emotions influence behaviours. Apply theories to ensure athletes are psychologically prepared for the demands of competition and training, as well as the emotional consequences of sustaining an injury.

The focus is on developing research expertise, with a project conducted over the entire year of study. The aim is to develop and submit work of publishable quality. Current practical, technical and research skills are embedded in the course to reflect the needs of sport-related careers and industry. You’ll learn a strong complement of applied and research skills, balanced with how to communicate key information to relevant sport industry partners.

This Sport and Exercise Psychology Masters is a great stepping stone to a PhD if your career goals are more aligned to academia.

Entry Requirements

  • UK honours degree  (minimum 2.1) in a sport science related subject including biology, biochemistry or psychology.
  • Applicants with relevant employment experience or other relevant qualifications will also be considered.

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Programme Funding

You might be able to get a scholarship to help fund your studies. We award scholarships to those students who can demonstrate excellent achievement, passion and dedication to their studies.

Student Destinations

Graduates of the MRes have pursued careers in:

  • sports marketing and management
  • sports injury and rehabilitation
  • sport psychology research

Employers have included Manchester United FC, Northumbria University, Institute of Youth Sport, Kings College and English Institute of Sport.

This Sport and Exercise Psychology postgraduate degree can provide a platform for students who are considering a PhD, and want to gain further experience and relevant qualifications before committing to a research degree.

Module Details

Core Modules:

  • Sport Science Research Methods (15 cp)
  • Sport in Action (15 cp)
  • Sport Research Project (120 cp)

Choose one module from the following:

  • Current Issues in Sport and Exercise Psychology (30 cp)
  • Applied Sport Psychology (30 cp)

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