
PgDip, MSc Sport And Exercise Nutrition

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Masters Degree Description

Diet and nutrition significantly affect sport and exercise performance. The food and fluid which an athlete consumes before, during and after exercise affects health and body composition, as well as performance and recovery. Sound knowledge of sport and exercise nutrition can ensure a healthy balance between exercise and diet for a range of athletes, from amateur to elite levels within different sports.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must hold a degree (2.2 or above) or equivalent in a related discipline (for example – BSc Honours in Biochemistry, Dietetics, Food and Nutrition, Human Nutrition, Physiology, Sport and Exercise Science, Sports Science or other relevant degree discipline) or demonstrate their ability to undertake the course through the accreditation of prior experiential learning. Applicants must also demonstrate evidence of competence in written and spoken English (e.g. GCSE grade C or equivalent). Students holding an IOC Diploma in Sports Nutrition are eligible to apply for direct entry to the MSc programme following completion of a short research proposal module (10 credits) prior to completing the sport and exercise nutrition research project (60 credits) following approval of a suitable research project in consultation with the project module co-ordinator.

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