  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA/PGDip Full-time: 2 years (inclusive of summer semester). Part-time: up to 5 years.

Masters Degree Description

Accredited by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and endorsed by the College of Social Work, graduates completing the MA or PGDip are eligible for registration as a Qualified Social Worker with the General Social Care Council.

Social Work courses at Oxford Brookes University have been consistently ranked highly in league tables (Guardian and The Sunday Times University Guides).

We are offering two fast-track social work qualifications for applicants who hold a relevant degree and experience of paid or voluntary work with vulnerable people within the UK. These evidence-informed courses are delivered via mixed mode (classroom, distance and work-based learning). The MA is a two-year full-time course (maximum 5 years on a part-time basis) while the PGDip can typically be gained in 18 months.

Entry Requirements

You can apply for either the MA in Social Work or the PGDip in Social Work. Both courses lead to fully qualified Social Work status with the General Social Care Council. The admissions criteria for these two courses are the same.

You must:

  • have a good honours degree or higher, or a professional qualification equivalent to an undergraduate degree, normally in a cognate area
  • have GCSE Maths and English or equivalent at least to grade C or above, and basic IT skills with reliable access to the internet, preferably through a broadband connection.

You should have experience of paid or voluntary work with vulnerable people. This experience should be sufficient to enable you to clearly demonstrate your commitment and motivation, and your understanding of the knowledge, skills and values of social work. This would typically be the equivalent of one year’s full-time experience of social care or health care-related practice in either the statutory or the voluntary sector. Caring in a personal capacity may in some instances be acceptable as relevant experience.

Successful applicants must submit, where possible, a recent practice reference from a social care employer in the UK who can verify that they have met the DoH requirement:

Ensure that all students undergo assessed preparation for direct practice to ensure their safety to undertake practice learning in a service delivery setting. This preparation must include the opportunity to develop a greater understanding of the experience of service users and the opportunity to shadow [for at least one full day] an experienced registered Social Worker.

(Department of Health 2002)

Additionally, all applicants must be screened for fitness to practise and undertake an enhanced Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) check.

We welcome applications from individuals as well as those sponsored or supported by their employer.

If you did not complete GCSE English Language within the UK, you will be asked to obtain one of the following:

  • IELTS: a score of 7.0 overall and with no category scoring below 6.5
  • Cambridge Certificate in Proficiency in English: grade C or above.


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