
MA PG Dip Social Sculpture and Connective Practice

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA/PGDip Full-time: MA: 12 months, PGDip: 9 months. Part-time: MA: 24 months, PGDip: 18 months.

Masters Degree Description

The MA in Social Sculpture is one of four taught postgraduate courses for artists, composers and interdisciplinary practitioners offered by the School of Arts at Oxford Brookes University. The other three courses are: MA in Composition and Sonic Art; MA in Contemporary Arts; MA in Contemporary Arts and Music.

These interdisciplinary courses broaden awareness of expanded art practices and cross-disciplinary concerns. They question the boundaries of art practice, provoke shifts in perception and help to develop work with relevance to contemporary life. A concern for location, context and audience is central. All projects culminate in a public presentation or performance.


Entry Requirements

The general entry requirements are:

  • A good honours degree, ie an upper second or first, in any subject
  • An internationally recognised qualification equivalent to a good British honours degree

Applicants without a first degree, but with extensive experience may also be considered and individual courses may have additional entry requirements to these.  Please contact the Admissions Tutor to discuss this.

If English is not your main language then you will also need to show that your English is at a high enough level to succeed in your studies.

You will need

  • IELTS 6.0-7.0 (normally with 6.0 in reading and writing and a minimum of 5.5 in listening and speaking);

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