
PGCE Secondary: Media Studies with English

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCE 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

This programme offers a route into teaching a dynamic and constantly evolving subject. Our experts will teach you everything you need to know about the place of Media Studies within the school curriculum through a diverse and integrated course.

The programme offers a balance of theory and practice, giving you the opportunity to more fully explore and understand the key concepts of Media Studies at secondary school and at post-16 level.

You’ll gain an understanding of where Media Studies lies within the school curriculum, while exploring the key concepts involved in media studies, including media languages, media audiences, media institutions, and media representation. You’ll also develop your practical skills, gaining expertise in teaching pre-production, production and post-production.

To underpin your Media and English studies, you’ll gain an understanding of pedagogy including: assessment and marking, public examinations, classroom organisation and management, inclusion, planning a rigorous and creative curriculum to meet the requirements of school and examination specifications and using social media in the classroom.

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Programme Funding

The Department for Education offers tax-free scholarships and bursaries to trainees on eligible PGCE programmes. Bursary amounts vary depending on your previous qualifications and the subject in which you’re training to teach.

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