  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This MSc programme explores Scotland’s past across a broad chronological period – from the early medieval period to post-Union, through to Scottish diaspora and contemporary developments, whilst also comparing Scotland’s position in a global context.

Taught by one of the largest groups of specialist Scottish historians found at any university, this programme is world leading. It offers an unrivalled range of courses that explore Scotland’s past across a broad period – from the early medieval period to contemporary developments – and Scotland’s place in comparative and global contexts.

The examination of Scotland’s past has been at the centre of history teaching at the University since the Sir William Fraser Chair of Scottish History and Palaeography was established in 1901. You’ll have access to some of the most impressive archival collections in the UK, including our Centre for Research Collections and the nationally significant collections held by the National Library of Scotland and the National Records of Scotland, both of which are nearby.

Entry Requirements

You will need a UK 2:1 honours degree, a minimum US 3.25 GPA or international equivalent, in History or another humanities or social science subject with a significant historical component (not necessarily Scottish). Relevant experience, or professional or other qualifications will also be considered.


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Programme Funding

Student Destinations

This programme can serve as a springboard for more graduate work in Scottish history at the Ph.D. level.

Alternatively, the programme can also function as a stand-alone graduate degree. The transferable skills which you will gain through studying this programme, such as critical analysis, written and spoken communication skills, information assimilation, judgement of evidence, research skills and historical awareness will be useful in a very wide range of careers.

Module Details

You will take several courses across two semesters of teaching, including three compulsory courses and three optional courses.

The compulsory courses for this programme are:

Historical Research: Skills and Sources 20
Historical Methodology 20
Themes in Scottish Historiography 20

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