  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time; 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Do you have a keen interest in global issues like sustainability, renewable energy, and personalised healthcare? Supported by leading experts from academia and industry, this invaluable course explores the real-world application of polymers in state-of-the-art research laboratories.

This Royal Society of ChemistryLink opens in a new window accredited degree course delivers a thorough knowledge and understanding of the world of polymer chemistry, taught by our academics and industrial experts. You will be immersed in a research-led environment where you can learn about the synthesis and characterisation of polymers as well as their physical properties.

This course is ideal if you are looking to undertake a PhD or an industrial career in the fields of polymer synthesis and soft materials.

Entry Requirements

  • 2:2 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in Chemistry or a related subject.

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Programme Funding

We offer a variety of postgraduate funding options for study at the University of Warwick, from postgraduate loans, university scholarships, fee awards, to academic department bursaries.

Student Destinations

Our graduates have gone on to work for organisations in: academia and teaching; pharmaceutical industry; chemical and materials industry; science consultancy; banking and finance and other areas. For those who wish to deepen their understanding of the discipline, further research degree study such as a Master’s by Research or a PhD can also be studied within the department. 

This course will open up a variety of potential career paths in the rapidly expanding market for climate professionals including employment within a wide range of government, non-government and academic organizations, as well as private companies.

Module Details

Core modules

  • Polymer Synthesis
  • Advanced Polymer Synthesis
  • Physical Properties of Polymers and Nanocomposites
  • Polymer Laboratories
  • Colloid Science I and II
  • Polymers in the Real World
  • Chromatography and Separation Science
  • Group Research Project
  • Transferable Skills
  • 20-week Research Project

Optional modules

Optional modules can vary from year to year. Example optional modules may include:

  • Mass Spectrometry
  • Techniques in Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
  • Magnetic Resonance
  • X-ray and Neutron Techniques

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