  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA Online

Masters Degree Description

Our Photography MA will equip you with the knowledge, understanding and skills to meaningful engage with this socially evolving medium and succeed within the increasingly complex and competitive creative industry.

Throughout the course you will realise the potential of your own ideas and practice by locating your individual specialism within the creative industries, enabling you to succeed and make significant contributions within a range of professional contexts.

The Masters has really really helped me get to grips with what it is that I need to do to make my photography a success in the future.
Jo Sutherst, UK

This Masters in Photography is for you if you want to:

  • Develop as a critically informed practitioner. 
  • Identify ways of taking your photography to the world.
  • Excel at turning creative ideas into commercial success.
  • Study and engage with an international group of students and tutors.
  • Graduate with a set of publishable work. 

Studying flexibly with Falmouth University

The creative sector continues to grow globally. Whether you seek to enhance or begin your career in the creative sector, Falmouth University’s flexible learning programmes equip you with the right skills and knowledge to do so, without interrupting your income and career progression.

Key Facts

  • Learn flexibly from home, the workplace or on the move anywhere in the world through Falmouth Flexible intuitive online learning platform.
  • Get student benefits, as a Falmouth Flexible student, you enjoy the same status as any on-campus students, from receiving a Student ID card and qualifying to apply for a NUS student discount card.
  • Graduate with an award equal in title and quality as given to Falmouth university on campus students and have the opportunity to attend your graduation ceremony in the UK.

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