  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MLitt One year full time

Masters Degree Description

The MLitt in Medieval History is a taught postgraduate programme run by the School of History. 


  • The course benefits from an immense range of expertise from medieval scholars. 
  • The flexible nature of the programme makes it suitable both for those wishing to go on to doctoral research and for those wishing only to take a year’s specialist study. 
  • Study fosters fundamental research skills, including bibliography and source criticism. 
  • Develops writing skills for the presentation of extended research projects, including as training for doctoral study.  

Entry Requirements

A  2.1 Honours undergraduate degree in a subject-related area. If you studied your first degree outside the UK, see the international entry requirements.

The qualifications listed are indicative minimum requirements for entry. Some academic Schools will ask applicants to achieve significantly higher marks than the minimum. Obtaining the listed entry requirements will not guarantee you a place, as the University considers all aspects of every application including, where applicable, the writing sample, personal statement, and supporting documents.

Application requirements

  • CV or résumé. This should include your personal details with a history of your education and employment to date. 
  • a personal statement  
  • a sample of your own, single-authored academic written work (2,000 words) 
  • two original signed academic references 
  • academic transcripts and degree certificates 

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

History postgraduates go on to pursue careers in a range of sectors including: 

  • journalism 
  • publishing 
  • think tanks 
  • government 
  • law 
  • teaching

The Careers Centre offers one-to-one advice to all students as well as a programme of events to assist students in building their employability skills.

Module Details


Students must take the following compulsory modules: 

  • Sources and Source Criticism (1 and 2) which address the interpretation and criticism of medieval sources. 


You will also choose one of the following: 

  • An Introduction to Palaeography with Codicological and Manuscript Studies (1 and 2): equip students to tackle the reading, transcription and editing of manuscripts up to c.1500. 
  • Historical Sources and Skills (4 and 5): give students a chance to acquire a technical skill crucial for their research plans. This will normally involve a one semester introduction to reading Latin for historians; training in other languages can also be arranged. 
  • Special Topic in Medieval History (1 and 2): a detailed study of a medieval topic of the student's own choice which will include tutorials with a designated tutor. 

With permission from the programme convenor, students may take an Arabic, French, German, Italian or Spanish language module at the level appropriate to the student's proficiency. 


Student dissertations will be supervised by members of the teaching staff who will advise on the choice of subject and provide guidance throughout the research process. The completed dissertation of not more than 15,000 words must be submitted by a date specified in August. 

If students choose not to complete the dissertation requirement for the MLitt, there is an exit award available that allows suitably qualified candidates to receive a Postgraduate Diploma. By choosing an exit award, you will finish your degree at the end of the second semester of study and receive a PGDip instead of an MLitt. 

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