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    MSc 2 years full-time, 120 ECTS, Aalborg

Masters Degree Description

How to learn mathematics through projects
Have you sometimes felt it unsatisfactory just to follow courses in mathematics and to read textbooks without ever really feeling the subject under your skin? There are a few universities around the world where different ways of teaching mathematics can be experienced; among them is Aalborg University. At Aalborg, an important part of the training of future mathematicians is pursued in groups of students; usually 5-7 students during the first terms, and fewer later on. At Aalborg, every semester has a particular focus on a mathematical area or its applications.

Within that specific framework, a group of students and their supervisor from the academic staff choose a topic to study. Key concepts and methods are provided during a synchronized course, while the group finds literature and other material relevant for its topic. During the semester, the group undergoes a research-like process and documents its results in a report. The final examination is oral and individual with this report as point of departure.

•Independent work on mathematical subjects early on – motivating and engaging!
•Collaboration with fellow students – rewarding both socially and professionally
•Close contact with dedicated academic teachers
•Possibilities for projects including application aspects (engineering, economics, computer science, etc.)
Besides working on projects, students participate in three courses every semester ranging over a variety of mathematical subject areas and providing them with important mathematical skills and an overview over many of the most important concepts and results.

Entry Requirements

Please make sure you send your application form and further documentation via post to the International Office by the required deadline.

Furthermore please note the official language requirements for international students applying to Aalborg University. You must complete and pass one of the following:

  • IELTS (academic test): 6.5
  • TOEFL (paper-based): 550
  • TOEFL (computer-based): 230
  • TOEFL (internet-based): 80
  • Cambridge ESOL: C1

Applications will be dealt on an individual basis by the programme coordinator. For admission to the semesters, you will need documentation of a progressive range of skills:

  • 3rd semester, MATH3: Calculus, Linear Algebra
  • 4th semester MATH4: Algebra, Mathematical Analysis
  • 5th semester, MATH5: Probability Theory
  • 6th – 8th semester, MAT6, MATH7, MATH8: Consult the programme coordinator

A complete MSc requires a combination with another subject, most often within the natural sciences area, or a specific one-year programme in Applied Mathematics organized in collaboration with one of the engineering or economics educations at Aalborg University.

For further information regarding deadlines and requirements please see the website How to apply to Aalborg University.

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Student Destinations

Graduates in Mathematical Sciences from Aalborg University are employed in many different types of jobs in the industry, public administration, teaching and research. A combination of mathematical knowledge and skills with the ability to handle mathematically oriented software is a good basis for job entries in the industry, e.g. dealing with (wind) power facilities.

Students with a statistical background are interesting in public administration, the pharmaceutical industry etc. Mathematicians teach a lot, some of them as high school teachers. Many of them do research and some of them start as PhD students right after having finished a master’s degree.

Module Details

Semesters 6-8 (MATH6, MATH7, MATH8) are more specialized and prepare the students to independent mathematical work aimed at their master’s thesis.

The 6th semester introduces the students to a particular focus area within one of the following fields:

•Applied Mathematical Analysis and Geometry
•Discrete Mathematics
•Mathematical Statistics
During the last year of the mathematics curriculum (the semesters MATH7 and MATH8), the students concentrate on their chosen subject and write their master’s thesis, supported by a supervisor from the faculty.

In the 6th semester, several (but not all) of the following courses are offered:

•Smooth manifolds
•Integration and Fourier Theory
•Design, Strongly Regular Graphs and Codes
•Computer Algebra
•Theoretical Statistics
•Operators in Hilbert Spaces
•Algebraic Topology
•Graph Theory
•Algebraic Coding Theory
•Spatial Statistics
•Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
•Graphical Models
•Applied Probability

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